Thursday, January 2, 2014

End of an old year, Beginning of a new

As the old year closed I reflected upon all that went on:
New house
New baby

and all the little things that added up

Stress over finances
Family Discord

Then I asked myself, "What really changes when we begin a new year?"
I know that the date changes and people make a whole lot of resolutions that usually end within a month of two of making them but what really changes?

I concluded nothing.
We are still getting older, the children are still growing up, stress over finances will continue and there will always be family discord of some type.

But we can strive to make little changes in ourselves and outlooks. I know not everything is permanent and things can change in the blink of an eye.  Crap happens, good things happen.  We just have to make sure that good out weighs bad.

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